Dirt bike safety tips: Master the trails, not the mishaps

Man with dirt bikes in bed of truck.
Man with dirt bikes in bed of truck.
Author Michael Milbourn
Product Manager – Dairyland
1 de abril de 2024|

0 min. read

The thrill of navigating challenging terrain on a dirt bike is undeniable. However, it's important to prioritize safety before you hit the trails. Whether you're a seasoned rider or just starting out, taking precautions can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. The following tips can help you minimize risk and maximize enjoyment on your dirt biking adventures.

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Pre-ride preparation

Your readiness before a ride sets the foundation for a successful dirt biking adventure. Before you grab your helmet and hit the gas, these five pre-ride tips can help make a difference in the outcome of your ride.

1. Take a training course to gain valuable skills.

Consider enrolling in a dirt bike safety course from a qualified instructor. These courses teach helpful tactics like proper braking, cornering, and handling emergencies—building your confidence to handle unexpected situations on the trail.

2. Plan an off-road ride within your own skill level.

Understanding your capabilities and sticking to terrain that matches your skill level is crucial for dirt bike safety. Begin on flat, open terrain, gradually advancing to more challenging areas as you gain experience. Avoid attempting maneuvers beyond your comfort zone, and never ride while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

3. Inspect your bike before the ride.

Make sure your tires are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure for optimal performance and handling. Check the responsiveness of your brakes and ensure all controls operate smoothly. And address any leaks, loose parts, or malfunctions promptly to avoid potential breakdowns on the trail.

4. Wear the appropriate riding attire.

Style alone won't shield you from injuries—true protection comes from the right dirt bike safety gear. Prioritize your safety with:

  • A DOT-approved helmet that fits snugly, offering optimal protection for your head.

  • Body armor that absorbs impact, such as chest and back protectors, elbow and knee pads, or a full body pressure suit.

  • Goggles and a visor to shield your eyes from dust, debris, and glare.

  • Appropriate clothing such as gloves, a riding jacket, and pants to protect your skin from scrapes and cuts.

  • Sturdy dirt bike boots with robust ankle support for protection and bike control.

5. Ride with friends.

Riding with a buddy or group isn’t just fun—it’s an important factor of off-road riding safety. Your companions can help you in case of an accident and also provide valuable feedback on your riding technique.

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On-the-trail safety tips

Safety first, thrills second. Follow these tips to help you navigate the trails confidently and reduce the risks of accidents and injuries.

Respect trail rules and regulations.

Observe posted speed limits and yield to other trail users such as hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers. Be cautious of wildlife, and avoid crossing into environmentally sensitive areas or private property.

Stay alert and focused.

Pay close attention to your surroundings. Always scan the trail ahead for potential hazards such as rocks, roots, uneven terrain, and other obstacles. Avoid distractions like music or your phone while riding.

Use hand signals.

Communicate your route intentions clearly to other riders by using proper hand signals for stopping, turning, and changing lanes.

Be predictable.

Maintain a steady pace and avoid making sudden changes in direction or speed. This helps other riders anticipate your movements and avoid collisions.

Yield to downhill traffic.

When approaching riders coming down a hill, yield the right of way. Downhill riders have less control and stopping power than riders traveling uphill.

Take breaks.

Riding a dirt bike is physically demanding. Take breaks to rest, hydrate, and stay fresh—it can help you maintain focus and avoid fatigue-related accidents.

Be prepared for emergencies.

Always carry essential tools and a first-aid kit on your rides. Learning basic first-aid skills can be helpful in the event of an accident. Don’t hesitate to call 911 in an emergency situation.

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Protect your investment.

Off-road insurance

Having dirt bike insurance offers you financial protection and peace of mind in the event of an accident, theft, or other covered events. While most coverages are similar to motorcycle insurance, not all motorcycle policies include dirt bikes. Depending on your insurer, you may be able to get additional coverage specific to dirt bikes.

Dairyland® Insurance, a brand of the Sentry Insurance Group, provides a range of affordable dirt bike insurance options tailored to your specific needs. We’ll help you find dirt bike coverages that make sense for where you live and how you ride. Contact us today.

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